Determine Which Values you Prefer
Top Values Tool
The following values inventory was created by Jason Merchey to determine which “Value Set” you most prefer (i.e., which are your “top values”).
A Value Set is a grouping of two or three values that in some way are similar (one is “Strength and Courage”, for example).
Spend 10-30 minutes reflecting on the examples of values you are presented.
Please check the number that describes your attraction to the following statements, with “1” meaning “absolutely none” and “10” meaning “an enthusiastic yes!”.
Your preferences will be ranked from highest to lowest by the computer.
By clicking here, you agree to receive feedback and suggestions about your top values, ethics, inspiration and wisdom. It’s free, and your email address won’t be traded or sold.
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Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
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