Your Preference for Different Ways of Making Ethical Decisions
Ethical Decision Making Guide
Rate each of the following statements on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “I do not agree” and 10 being “I fully agree.”
Your preference for different ways of making ethical decisions (i.e., your favored “approach") will be ranked from highest to lowest by the computer.
You must rank all statements for the test to work out correctly.
If you cannot determine how “attracted” you are to a particular sentence, enter a 5 for a neutral ranking.
Upon completion, you will then receive information and feedback based on the “moral theory” you most prefer.
By clicking here, you agree to receive feedback and suggestions about your ethical theory results, values, inspiration, and wisdom. It’s free, and your email address won’t be traded or sold.
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What I write here is not my teaching, but my study; it is not a lesson for others, but for me….
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